Sunday, May 5, 2019

District 64, Speech Contest result for Venio Dictum

So close ...
Our club representative Chris Lovering did us proud when he gave his humorous speech at the District 64 Spring Conference..his only problem in not winning was having me as his coach, meaning he ran slightly overtime which automatically disqualified his the lesson you should learn from Chris is 'timing is everything' So start practicing for next spring contest take care everyone!

By Don Eppler

Monday, April 15, 2019

Our Location is a Good One

Our Meetings have been located at the Masonic Temple literally at Confusion Corner, with easy access to literally the whole city for many years.  Many members have stated our club has the best location, particularly as time goes by.  This is because it is so central, and as your life changes we tend to remain easy to get to in your daily travels.

I will reach out to add the historic locations to this piece, but the club originally used various hotel restaurants; but has been at this location for many ... many years.  I will try to get at least an approximate year. 

Parking is simply outstanding as well. The photo above shows just a corner of the rear lot (30 minutes before the meeting), immediately outside the rear doors.  It appears that some members are fearful of door dings; but also notice the city bus terminal.   It is RIGHT THERE; and for students or downtown workers, on their way home it simply is hard to fine a more easy Toastmaster Club to integrate into your regular life routine.  Simply put, this life changing commitment is going to be so central to you personal and professional success; having one less complexity to "add in or try to make fit" is one of the reason we have long time members.

Joining a Toastmaster Club will at first seem to present a buffet of club options.  Up front is that Venio Dictum is one of the city's most respected club for giving members very high evaluative skills.  We are also one of the few clubs that set a part of the meeting aside to work on how to engage and run business meetings using Robert's Rules.  The reason for this is that most decisions and actions rise out of knowing how to effectively perform in meetings; plus one of the main complaints is the lack of skill of people running meetings.  The parking and location is so important and often overlooked.  Being more central arguable than our downtown, the Osbourne location makes is so easy over many year to effortlessly just keep the habit of coming out.

We invite you to contact our Vice President of Membership ( to investigate our club benefits and program.  The location does not come free, and the larger our membership the more easily we can continue renting this location. So an investment in your future with Venio Dictum Toastmasters is a good one; and a great place to launch or continue on with growing your skills.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

District 64 (Division F) Humorist and International Speech Contest

APRIL 8, 2019 - Venio Dictum Toastmasters Club - AREA Level

This year's event was hosted by the Testament Toastmaster's group; at the Grant Memorial Baptist Church on Wilkes Avenue.  Venio Dictum was VERY well represented with a contestant in each of the contests -- Humorist and the International.  This contest took in the region of Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and Northwestern Minnesota.

Toastmasters who attended from Venio Dictum, included Glenn as a judge, Mark as a ballot counter, and speakers Eric and Chris.

The evening started off with Chris delivering his speech for the Humorist Contest.  In this contest there were four (4) clubs represented; and his topic involving golf was well received and commented on in conversations.  Chris won the area event.

The second and final contest was the International Speech event.  Eric delivered his speech on the importance of creating strong bonds in life with your family and friends, as the stories build around those relationship will pay dividends later in life. Eric ended up as the runner up.

Mark and Glenn both were extremely impressed and in agreement on how much both speeches had really "jelled" to perfection since we first heard them during our Club Level Contests.  We reflected that our discussions after those contests were a good best practice as both were very well presented at the Area Level.  It showed both members had really put in some worthwhile homework to good effect.

The Venio Dictum Toastmasters Club was well represented and our contestants were terrific ambassadors for the club.  We can all look forward to supporting Chris as he advances to the next level.