Venio Dictum Toastmaster Club 2170... 50 years of existence…
Venio Dictum is Latin for "I COME TO SPEAK"
During any of our Club meetings, we do exactly that, but only with these added conditions and part of our mottos……."FOR BETTER LISTENING, THINKING AND SPEAKING." This means our purpose as a club and as members take us right back to the times of the Roman Empire era. A time when great orators didn't just stand up to be heard, but instead, gave much thought about what he was about to and how he planned to say it.
Our Clubs history goes all the way back to 1956. Ever since those first inaugural meetings Venio Dictum has lived to this motto and can proudly boast that it has helped countless club members achieve better goals in their lives.
Back in time and before the 80's, our club membership was made up of male members only and great numbers on our membership rosters. Much has changed over the past 49 years with our moved meetings places and the visual character of the club and, I must say, all to the good.
Our present meeting place now has the class of a top notch board room and weekly attendance cost has become affordable to all class of people who may be just starting in their career life and have only limited disposable incomes.
Women are now a large part of our membership and add that 'other gender' side to our story. Their presence alone keeps all our members on their toes, insuring tasteful and respectful manners in mixed company are present at all times. This change has brought the clubs greatness has now broadened to helping both genders who may be either young or old, achieve their goals.
If you take these mentioned change factors and add them to the ever improving educational factors of Toastmasters International, you can't help but come up with nothing less than a 'win-win' factor. Now mix this with meetings where self confidence and communication skills walk so close in hand you can't tell them apart……one soon sees there is no other learning institution like the Venio Dictum Toastmaster Club.
Venio Dictum excels in this learning atmosphere, because each member brings their own form of encouragement to others, very similar to what only a mother or father can give to their child.
History has a way of repeating itself over and over again, the Venio Dictum Toastmaster Club is no different, because annually we hear cries from our new members that they feel they have become a better person from their experience as a club member…now what better proof does one need that Venio Dictum does indeed lives up to the name given it…"VENIO DICTUM"…"I COME TO SPEAK"
Don Eppler (Event Coordinator & Club Historian)

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