Our Club's Storytelling Award, is named in honour of a gentleman named, Peter Thomas.
Peter Thomas was a member of the Venio Dictum Toastmaster Club for for almost 40 years!
Our longtime member, Don Eppler recalls that Peter originally came to Canada from New Zealand. And when he joined our club had owned his own business of a known brand of steel shelving. He finally sold his business and retired. But practically every year that I can remember he and his wife Ruth went on some unique trip around the world; and from the beginning of his 'Story Telling' speeches when he returned.
Each speech had some spell bound venture to it. One that stands out for me was the time he and his wife went back to new Zealand on a freighter ship and being part of a very small passenger group, who had their own quarters but had to eat with the crew. It took them two weeks on the open sea to get there. He gave a blow by blow description of that venture, from a very rough storm that turned and tossed this huge vessel like some small toy. So their trips up the Amazon in jungle terrain, Mexico's unknown areas, plus Peru, and other far away remote areas became such intriguing we could hardly wait for his return and hear them.
As a tribute to his 'story telling' talent we introduced the Peter Thomas trophy to encourage other club members to try and develop their imagination and speaking talents to be included their communication skills. A few years ago District 64 introduced their 'Tall Tale' contest that has now confused our own club contest as being the same thing, which in my opinion is not.
Fred Cooper, a long time former member tells us that Peter was indeed a stalwart member of Venio Dictum and an engaging person too. He spent sixteen winters in Mexico at a place called la Penita on the Pacific coast north of Puerta Vallarta and several of his yarns were based on his experiences getting there in his car and camper.
Finally, from member Ray Hignell who perhaps gives us the best impression of what it was like to see Peter in action - he was a great story teller, partly because his stories were interesting and well researched. He told them in a very engaging way, in a voice that seemed louder than a strained whisper, as if he was speaking to each individual in the audience, and letting them in on an important secret. It was very effective.
In conclusion, Peter Thomas was a key personality and talent that shaped the character of the Venio Dictum Toastmaster Club; which has echos even today. With the help of member Ray Larkins, this very impressive award was created to give out ever year to the winner of our Storytelling Speech Contest. Member Dwight Wilkens won the award this past Awards Night, delivering a presentation that was engaging to all.
If you would like to add to this article; please email vppm@toastmasters.mb.ca
Glenn Laycock, VPM 2016-17
Venio Dictum Toastmasters Club.
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